Sharps Solutions Hazardous/ Medical Waste Disposal Blog

Medical and hazardous Waste Sacramento

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Medical and hazardous Waste Sacramento

At Sharps Solutions, we recognize the need to consolidate your biohazard waste services to leverage economies of scale. That's why we will collect and safely dispose of "all" your biohazard and medical waste streams. We provide you with EPA/DOT/OSHA approved waste containers, by waste stream, for the safe containment and transport of your waste to designated treatment facilities. Along the way, each individual container is tracked and documented from collection to final destruction and disposal, providing you with a complete chain of custody document. OSHA compliance training and consultation is available to assist you with questions regarding the characterization, segregation and handling of various designated waste streams.

Typical biohazardous and medical waste streams include, but are not limited to:

  • Sharps & Red Bag
  • Pharmaceutical - hazardous and non-hazardous
  • Pathology
  • Trace-Chemotherapy
  • Dental Waste(s) & Dental Office Chemicals
  • Sterilization & Disinfectant Chemicals
  • Laboratory Biohazardous Waste(s)

For additional information contact:
or call 1.877.446.8449